Thursday, June 30, 2011

Water, Epi, Coffee, and Sugar

The water has been broken.  Our doctor estimated an early afternoon birth.  The contractions got a lot worse quickly and then the epidural was done.  Good stuff.  Per the anesthesioligist Jenny has the #1 back for an epidural.  That's the 2nd time Jenny's had that said about her.  So either they say that about everyone or it's especially true for Jenny.

I'm on my 4th cup of coffee...interesting note...sugar canisters list the amout of sugar per serving of sugar.  In 4 grams of sugar there are 4 grams of sugar...mind blowing.  P.s. I don't even like coffee.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH!!! WE CANNOT WAIT!! Haley and I have been checking the blog and rechecking and rechecking :o) Praying for a speedy delivery and healthy Mom and Baby (girl, cause that's what I think it is)

Shannon, Haley, and Liam