Thursday, June 30, 2011

Passing Time

Right now we're just passing time...well...I am...Jenny's working hard.  I watched the chart for a bit.  Contractions are steady and getting more painful...still no epidural...where is that guy? 

I'm blessed to have a wife who loves sports.  She has control of the TV and put it on Sportscenter for the last hour!  boo-yah.  Although she just switched it to the baby story on TLC...not sure if that's a good thing.

Still waiting...oh yeah...our new nurse just graduated from JMU in December.  Sweet!  Go Dukes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates - ya'll are awesome!!! I vote ESPN all the way for the tv channel. Keep up the good work both of you!!!


BrocknRoll said...

I envy you kyle, sportscenter all the way baby yeah!

mystere said... rock it...and might I add that you are still one of the cutest preggo ladies on the planet, even in the delivery room, how is that possible?? Love you guys!! Excited for another little human to have you guys for parents!