Thursday, June 23, 2011

Goodbye, Miss Stacy

*Note, this post was written on Wednesday but published on my last day with Miss Stacy, Thursday.

Oh what a sad, sad day it will be for me tomorrow.  One of those days where you can't do anything else but journal about your feelings - which, is why I am skipping my nap right now and journaling instead.

You see, Miss Stacy has been my M, T, Th best friend since January but it feels like she's been here my whole life.  I don't think the Lord could have provided a better sitter for me if He tried - let me give you a few reasons as to why I feel this way.

Umm - can you ever look like this and NOT know it was a good day?

1. She introduced me to Kipper.  Who doesn't love a British dog that is a dog of few words but hours of entertainment?  Stacy, without you my parents would have NEVER found Kipper and I don't think I'd ever have a haircut since Kipper gets me through my haircuts.

2. She took me to my first lock-in.  Usually kids don't get to go to their first lock in until they are like in middle school.  Not me...Stacy exposed me early by locking me in her car and it was awesome.  We played cars through the window, I got to see police cars, policemen, AND a locksmith. I mean, have you ever been best friends with a lock smith?  I didn't think so - usually I only get to see these types of things on Barney but that day it was REAL LIFE.

3. She taught me the formal name of that buckle that goes between my legs in the car seat.  Duh, a CROTCH BUCKLE.  I say it all the time - it's my favorite buckle and whenever I climb in my seat my parents know exactly what I'm looking for when I yell, "where's my cwotch buckle??"  I'm pretty sure I'm going to skip kindergarden with knowledge like this.  In addition she taught me so many new sayings. My most used is, "one mo' minute??" said in the sweetest voice possible.  Fellow toddlers, do you even know how much more playing time you can average with a saying like that?? They don't ever set a timer - I think I get anywhere between 3-10 additional minutes of whatever I was doing when I ask for "one mo' minute?" -- thank you, Miss Stacy for adding hours of playtime into my life.

4. When I was throwing up a few months back she didn't care.  Mom tried to give her an out so she wouldn't get sick but her reply back was, "I'm not scared of a few little germs!!" - that's how much she loved me and she loved mom and dad - mom barely would come near me and here Miss Stacy still wrapped her arms around me.  For the record, yes - I got her sick within a few days .and she still came back as soon as she was feeling better.

5. She takes me to the pool almost every day and makes sure my eyes are protected at all times. She has introduced me to about 5 new parks I never knew about.  Mom barely makes it up the street to the same ole' playground we always go to.  Stacy just looks in the gps for fun new playgrounds and takes me there so I can experience more.  C'mon..say it with me - ROCK-STAR.

6. She does SO much for mom and dad.  Grocery shopping, errands, will empty the dishwasher without being asked, has done our laundry, given me my baths, cleans up my toys, and helps mom with decorating ideas.  Jack of all trades - she is the entire package.

7.  Because she is the "entire package" I decided I didn't want to let this one slip away. SO, in honor of it being my last week with her I decided to take advantage of her singleness and I had my first REAL kiss.  You heard it - I'm not talking no peck here people - I had her entire lip in my mouth.  Here's what you do - throw a baseball bat at your baseball tee and have it bounce back up and hit you in the face.  Booyah, tears start coming and as every male kid knows, the first thing any grown woman knows how to respond to a boo-boo is, "do you want me to kiss it??" - BEST RESPONSE EVER - and the answer is always YES, please kiss my boo-boo.  So she did and in for the kill I went - I won't ever forget it...and I'm not positive but something tells me she won't ever forget it either.

8. She became Dad's hero when she and I spent a few hours making a homemade Mother's Day gift for Mom.  It's awesome.  it's a stepping stone that has my hand prints on it, the year, and Happy Mother's Day love, Grayson that now sits outside in between some flower beds.  I'm pretty sure Dad is banking on the fact that mom will one day forget it was Miss Stacy that helped me with that.

9. She voluntarily invited my girlfriend over so her and I could get some alone time.  I guess adults look at this like she was being a servant to Lucille's mom by taking Lucille off her hands but I know she was just loving me and giving me the time with Lucille I needed before she moved.  Seriously though, what babysitter voluntarily asks for additional children to watch?  Stacy does..that's who.

10. She has loved me so well these last 6 months.  Through attitudes, smiles, snots, the runs, long naps and short naps.  Through my boo-boos, my crankiness in the mornings when she comes (this is nothing against her but happens to just about anyone that walks through the door not named Mom, Dad, or Lucille).  She got very accustomed to dirty diapers and taught me to even say, "EW GROSSSS!!!" when someone changes them, she sings to me, reads to me, prays with me, and teaches me everyday.

Miss Stacy, our whole family with miss you IMMENSELY and are so thankful for these past 6 months!  Good luck at Grad School and let me know if you ever need to get away for a Chic-Fil-a date. 



ps. a little sneak preview to the next post (so long as mom doesn't go into labor in the next 24 hours) -- yes folks, if you remember from last year at this time...get excited.

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