Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From Mom...

Alright, I know all you folks enjoy a little more when G$ does the blogging but too bad - I'm really pregnant and it's really hot and so I am starting to call the shots around here :).  Here's a little update on life in the Brock household!

So, Gray really is such a character.  I wish I documented more the hysterical things he says but I guess I just enjoy them in the moment and then remember a lot of laughing throughout the day.  His latest saying for everything is, "What happened???" - Kyle and I think that's his form of "why" or "what is that?" or "I need milk."  Just kidding, it's not that bad but last night as I was walking up the stairs to join Gray and Kyle for books and a song I hear, "what happened, daddy??" and then Kyle's answer, "Nothing happened, buddy..that's just my leg."  I immediately started chuckling as I entered the room - "good thing he didn't point to your face" --- a common concern right now.

He also sees people ALL the time out and about and it's my favorite thing ever.  For instance - we have a friend, Wei that used to work with Kyle, and Gray is actually terrified of him because he's a really tall Asian guy that Gray typically reacts to with tears.  Well, just the other day, OUT OF THE BLUE, we are driving and all of a sudden I hear, "oh, dere's Wei-Wei" and he's just pointing at the car next to us.  In the car was an African American middle aged male - at least he got the gender right.  

The other night we were reading "the giving tree" - ps. they really need to add color to those pages - and when Kyle turned the page to a middle aged stick figure with a little bit of a pot belly, Gray says, "oh, dere's Daddy." - it's just so matter of fact when he says it - no question in his mind.  Apparently, the other day Kyle and Gray passed a picture of Grandma and Gray said, "oh, dere's Mommy" and Kyle got a kick out of it.  Listen, I'm not offended - all of Gray's grandmas are very attractive ladies so I'll take it :)!

Here is something we have been doing a TON of lately.  It's just plain hot here and Gray has been doing some swim classes.  By swim classes I mean getting comfortable in the water and jumping in.  He still doesn't love his head being wet and we have yet to submerge under water but we're progressing :).  Two things not to worry about from this video:  A) his little mermaid swim diaper - he's comfortable in his manhood and this was a mishap on daddy's part as he was in a hurry to buy some diapers before swim class one day.  B) the fact that his swim diaper is on backwards - he typically asks for more room in the front :).

He can hit a baseball off a tee like you wouldn't believe and he still just LOVES to race Kyle around the downstairs.  He's pretty bossy - "Mommy pway...Mommy sit HERE...Mommy pway with Emily and Grayson pway with Thomas...Mommy EAT breakfast.....Mommy drink your milk.....Daddy, change shirt.....Daddy, read book" - and the list goes on and on.  We work on please but also work on the fact that just because you say "please" does not mean your request will be granted.  That's a tough one sometimes.  He has rocked his big boy bed like a champ, however, our mornings now start a little earlier than they used to.  We're about to not know the difference between morning and night anyway though so I guess it's okay - I give all the credit to Kyle who is always the one to go and get him first thing.

Here was night number one - yes, he really sleeps like that with his hands.

On the baby front we are almost there.  39 weeks today and my body is definitely showing signs of being ready.  I get a LITTLE nervous about a car-birth only because when we were induced with Gray I started at a 1 and it took me about 5 hours to get to a 3 and then about 3 hours to go from a 3-10cm.  Well, I am walking around at a 4 - hmmm...good thing all labor and deliveries are different :).  We are anxious to meet this little peanut though and so excited to find out gender and just see what he/she looks like.  We have settled on a boy's name but I think at a stand-still on the girl's name.  It may be a moot point so I think we'll stay stalled until the birthday.  My thought is that once a woman has gone through all that - is the hubby REALLY going to say "no" to much post birth?  :) - just kidding...a little.  Gray has talked often of the size of my belly with this one.  Here's the best pic I got to show you all how I'm looking these days -

a solid 10 inches between Gray's head and my leg..maybe a foot...awesome.

The Kitchen - we are so close we can taste it.  Oh and by "we" I mean "Kyle" - I can't wait until it's finished and I can post pictures.  All that remains is the backsplash and painting the ceiling....I can't even describe all the work Kyle has done and how hard he has worked.  For a guy that didn't grow up necessarily remodeling things, working with saws and wood, moving electrical boxes and outlets, and the like - it's UNBELIEVABLE to me how he has done all this on his own.  Oh and not to mention he's done all of this with a full-time job in the day and not missing a beat with me and Grayson in the evenings until about 8:00 - he has worked so unbelievably hard.  You'll see more soon but I refuse to post till we're at the finished product.

We started our Mother's Day and Father's Day traditions.  Strawberry picking on Mother's Day and blueberry picking on Father's Day.  So, so, so fun for us.  Gray just loves fruit - as do I, and it's such an interactive and fun experience and then a reason to BAKE when we get home :)!  Both experiences were awesome this year and it makes me so excited for the years to come.

As I was just looking through my pictures on the computer to see what I could upload, I found this gem - meet Daisy's best friend, Maddy.  This sort of sums up how I feel these days.

Alright, there is plenty more to tell you all about I'm sure but this has gotten long and a bit out of control.  Next time we update hopefully it'll be from a hospital so stay tuned :).  I'm sure there will be PLENTY of good material for Gray to discuss once his brother or sister arrives.  Oh and people have been curious as to whether Gray's brother/sister will also be blogging.  We're going to have to wait to see his or her personality.  I leave it up to the kids.


the reppard crew said...

Adorable--love the pictures! Jenny, you look so great! I cannot wait to meet that little lovebug of yours!

Anonymous said...

we love love love love love you guys!
so much love coming your way from Colorado! pics are great to see, as always and my favorite was probably G$'s hands twitching in excitement before his 1st jump into the pool.
-jessy and CO team