Sunday, August 30, 2009

Look What I Can Do..Look What I Can Do!!

Seriously--this is big time.

1. For starters, I weigh over 20 lbs my mom and dad think. We only know based on the ole' dad gets on the scale and then picks me up and gets on the scale and then with a little subcracktion (i think that's the right word?), somehow my lbs are determined. I don't get it but I trust them and I'm not gonna lie - I'm pretty proud of myself.

2. At church today I overheard someone tell mom that my head made the 2 year old boy's head next to me look small.

3. I still love me some T.V. If it's on in the room and I can hear it, good luck getting my attention on anything else - like a camera.

4. I sit in a big boy car-seat now. Mom and Dad got to the point where they had to scrunch down my diaper to fit me in the buckle. As you can imagine someone smashing down in that area never really went over well with me - I plan to ask the doc at my 6 month appointment if he thinks permanent damage has been done. I'm ready to sue...I'm not afraid. I love my car-seat though. I can look out windows and finally see myself in the mirror that hangs in front of me. Who knew I was so stinkin' cute. Oftentimes I can't look away and I find myself flirting with.....myself.

5. Today at Church I heard Pastor Shelby preaching on 'Loving your Enemy' - if my worst nightmare in number four turns out to have occurred - I will pray about that.

6. I'm thinking of growing a soul patch. But not a clean cut soul patch..a LEGIT soul patch in which the hair hangs down long and I can braid it. I was working on it the other day..tell me what you think.
7. I have more to share but I gotta roll b/c Mom and me are going to Dad's last softball game of the year. I don't know if I told you yet or not but I'm already sponsored by Nike so I wear all Nike gear. I self-timered this one for Nike..pretty sure they're going to use it in their next commercial. I'll write more soon - love to you all. Oh and PS. I still love T.V.