Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vacation DAY One


Wanna know what is OVER-rated on vacation?  You guessed it, SLEEP.  You see, I sleep in a room with the Brown twins.  Two older ladies (2.5 yrs old) and me.  I'm not sure how I ever managed to get away with this but I have already decided that I LOVE vacation.  I love it so much I was awake on Day 1 at 5:00 a.m. and was NOT going to be fooled into going back to matter how many Amazing Graces' MAD sang to me.  MAD put me in bed with them, taking turns singing to me for about 45 minutes while the other one slept and I just poked at said sleeping person's eyes and then they threw the white flag and off to the beach we went.  The only part of my trip that is not going to be told in pictures is the part where mom was too busy taking pictures and dad was admiring the emptiness of the beach that early and both neglected to pick me up out of the water when a wave came toward me.  You guessed it - ocean-1  Grayson-0.  I have since evened up the scoreboard though with our early afternoon beach trip.  Turns out I'm a fan. buddy Landon

Until Day 2....

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Shh don't tell anyone Grayson, but I am freaking out over the clothes we might get for our baby is HE is a HE when HE comes in October. Could you send me the name of your stylist or where she gets your threads so I can be ready? Really, I mean it.