Sunday, April 19, 2009

True or False

Alright folks. I've been hearing a little chitter chatter out there..some rumblings if you will about me that I don't think are all entirely true. I wanted to take a minute to just clear up some misconceptions OR confirm the truth of some statements that I've read in the tabloids as mom checks out of the local CVS. we go:

1) Rumor: I don't write my own blogs but mom writes them for me. FALSE. I have no words for this shenanigans and so instead of just telling you how RIDICULOUS that is that I wouldn't write my own material and am not capable of typing--I did some self timer shots. Oh and word out of you about my 'Plumber's booty' in the third picture and I'll hunt you down. So I wear my diapers low...that's how the kids do it these days...don't be a hater.

2) Rumor: I write my posts with clothes on. FALSE. See above. That diaper usually isn't even on when I'm typing but mom wouldn't let me put my birthday suit on the Internet.

3) Rumor: I am already starring in my first sitcom -- Nip n' Tuck. TRUE and FALSE. I don't THINK I'm going to be on TV but last Wednesday I had the worst thing done to me imaginable. I'm not going to go into it b/c just typing about it brings back the nightmares and I don't really know how to spell the full name of the procedure that they called it, but let's just say it involved a little Nip n' Tuck..well, actually it involved a LOTTA Nip n' Tuck (HOLLA!) and yea--worst day of my life (and of mom and dad's life). I didn't hear mom's voice at all while I was being worked on as apparently she left the room crying (like she had anything to be crying about!) so I know she's innocent but I did hear dad's voice and one other man's voice. If I EVER find out it was dad who did this to me..oh man, him and I are going to need another heart to heart.

4) Rumor: I have no friends. FALSE - whoever is spreading this rumor is just rude. In order to combat the ugly rumor mill I got together with two of my best buddies, Will and Hudson (twins) and had the razzi (what we call the paparazzi) take some shots of us. Will is on the left and Hudson on the right and I'm like the hot dog, right in the middle.

5) Rumor: I've been a little more grumpy lately. FALSE. Listen..I know who is spreading this and it's my parents. I've heard the term "Grump-a-pottomis" thrown around a few times in the house. I would like you to re-read #3 above and tell me if you wouldn't be just the TINIEST bit frustrated if you had to go through that at 5 weeks. Most of my buddies had it done in the hospital when they had no clue what was going on and didn't have the time to know their body enough to even realize what was missing. Of all people my dad should understand this. My mom I can sort of justify--she doesn't get it..but SERIOUSLY, Dad?? I don't call my mood grumpy though and to prove that I show you this picture taken recently.

Alright..glad I cleared those up. I leave you now with just a few more shots from this past week. Much love to my crew.


the reppard crew said...

LOVE it. He is SO cute! Can you see if G can hook me up with the rest of the razzi's pics? See you soon!

Unknown said...

Just to set things straight... I never doubted you for a minute Gray!!

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

I am so bummed we forgot to take pics today. I guess we're just going to have to get together for another 4 hour lunch date.

Anonymous said...

Gray...just wanted to let you know that sometimes we might call your cousin Haley...Grumper-McGrumperkins...parents jsut do that sometimes, no need to take offense. Love you.
Uncle Jason and Aunt Shannon