Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yikes..May was a bad month.

I haven't blogged in ages.  I don't know if it's because I've given up on the thought of me becoming a professional blogger or if it's because mom doesn't leave a laptop in my crib anymore with me (which is typically where I do all my blogging) but either way this has definitely taken a back seat to walking crawling. 

If you noticed (you may not have) but I crossed out "walking" because I'm still not quite there.  I mean, I CAN walk when I want.  This morning I walked pretty much across my parent's bedroom but I just prefer to be crawling.  I heard once that crawling helps build your arm muscles.  When I heard that I vowed to not walk till I had to go to school.  Seriously, think about it fellas, comment to me if/when you agree - but as a dude I'm worried about my upper body build, right?  No guy wants bulging thighs...when Lewseal (pseudonym to protect the innocent) sneaks a peak I know she's looking at my arm rolls, NOT my leg rolls...we (by 'we' I mean 'they' by 'they' I mean 'the ladies') want broad shoulders and decent pecks (and to be sensitive, funny, caring, yadda, yadda..I get it).  Sure, all you early walkers are impressive now and the girls are "ooohing" and "ahhhhing" as you strut yourselves through the nursery but I'm okay with that.  I am keeping myself in the infant nursery where nobody can walk anyway and saving my days of impressing for when I can actually drive the ladies somewhere and when Mom and Dad will let me out of the house without a diaper on.

Not too long ago Mad (mom and dad collectively) dog-sat for some good friends.  Maddy came over for TWO weeks and it was awesome.  The most awesome part is that the crate comes out when she's here.  Although you would think that just one of the dogs goes in the crate that is certainly not the case.  At night when you call Maddy into the crate Daisy just follows her right in. I am pretty sure Maddy gets annoyed but Daisy is really needy and enjoys the snuggle time with her bestie.  Well, I won't call it laziness for the sake of saving face, but let's just say the crate is still downstairs and it's one of my favorite toys.  I just can't figure out why Daisy isn't as anxious to get in there with me as she is with Maddy???

This past weekend was potentially the best weekend of my life.  First off - Mom was home with me from Thursday through Tuesday and then it was Mad from Friday to Monday.  You can't even imagine the good conversations I get to overhear when it's Mad.  This one for example:

Scene: Mom enters the room in a striped shirt where Dad and I are playing --
Dad: Is that a new shirt you're wearing?
Mom: No
Dad: Yes it is
Mom: No it's not
Dad: I have NEVER in my life seen that shirt before
Mom: Well it's not new.  You must not have noticed
Dad: When did you get it?
Mom: Last week
Mom: Nope - I have been back to Old Navy SINCE getting this shirt which now makes this an old shirt

Secondly, we went to Myrtle Beach and I got to see some of my favorites- Aunt KJ, my adoptive Grandma Sandy, and the most knowledgeable current events man in the world, Ron.  Before we left mom stopped at the local Target to pick up some beach and pool toys.  I mean, they were fine and all but seriously, can you beat an empty hummus containter and a slightly used travel mug?  I. THINK. NOT.  Some of you may be wondering what had us go down this past weekend?  Well, I was invited by my black biker friends because it was black biker week.  In honor of, I wore my biker bathing suit and swim shirt.  Ohhh the amount of things I have been able to experience in my short 14 months of livin' thus far. 

Lastly - a simply request turns near impossible.  Let's see you find your bellybutton right after dinner, MOM!


Auntie KJ said...

Glad your back in the blogging world. Your life updates have been missed. Although, I'm happy I didn't miss out on your biker weekend.. it was AWESOME! Seriously though.. the hummus and travel mug were your weekend high?? They beat the jumping/flying fun in the "garden yard"??? It was your goal to wear me out and give me my second workout of the day wasn't it?? I see how it is. Can't wait to see you next weekend buddy! Love you!

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

My mom told me that children who crawl longer have better hand-eye coordination. Whatever that is. And by the way, I've been to MB during Black Biker week. Totally why I passed down the suit. And I've got to say, you should scream "Hey everybody, come see how good I look!" when you wear it. That's what I did.
Phillips out, Big H