Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Referring you to Facebook

Peeps -

Big news for you.  Unfortunately with the help of Dad we tried to relay the news in video format to post to the blog as we typically do but YouTube muted our audio.  I'll have none of that so instead of waving the white flag and letting YouTube win I just am going to refer you to mom or dad's facebook page for your viewing pleasure.

I would also like to state that what you see in the video is still not my preferred method of transportation but it just is going to be used to hush the masses who ask, "shouldn't he be walking by now?"  To that I say, "shouldn't you have learned to mind your own business by now?"

A few things about me at this exact moment:
1. My Aunt Krystle is here watching me this week and let's just say my family has never eaten so well in all our lives. Also, she brought her 11 lbs. dog, Audie.  You wouldn't believe how good I am at finding his eyes..over and over and over again.  Best part...for some reason he doesn't move when I poke them.  They say the best way to learn is by repetition and I'm pretty sure I've mastered where his eyes are.  Tomorrow I plan to work on finding his ears..his inner ears.  I would say this is the best week of my life but refer to #2 below.

2. I'm pretty sick.  I had a fever last night that we've been successfully lowering with medicine but still the day was filled with lots of tears.  They were mostly mom's tears.  Some would maybe say today that I was acting irrationally at some of the events of the day but I disagree.  Let me ask you (this is just 4 out of about 48 reasons I had a meltdown today): 
  • Would you NOT be totally offended and slightly ticked off that your mom's friend tried to give you a sticker for not feeling well?  I mean seriously, does she think I'm just a 15 month old?  Deserved a meltdown...in the church office.
  • Can you believe mom tried to offer me frozen mango today b/c she thought my teeth were hurting? I mean, do you even know me mom? I like blueberries and I like them refrigerated.  Nothing about refrigerated blueberries screams frozen mango.  Deserved a meltdown.
  • Mom's friend had the audacity to look me in the eyes and smile.  Clearly she was trying to hit on me.  Umm..how many times do I have to say it? I have a girlfriend, people.  Deserved a meltdown.
  • I woke up from a 2 hour nap. Something had to wake me up..I don't remember what it was but I just know I woke up and I was angry.  Deserved a meltdown - a LONG meltdown.
3. Due to #2 above Mom and Krystle decided it would be good to get some fresh air.  We strolled over to the pool and actually this was a highlight of my day.  My fever was down, my shirt was off, my bucket hat was on and there were toys all OVER the baby pool.  I was playing this awesome game of throwing the ball outside the pool so Krystle had to go get it.  Time of our lives.....and then I swallowed some water.  By some I mean a lot and by a lot I mean to the point that I threw up.  Chunks.  In the pool.  Remember those blueberries from 2b above?  I wasn't super phased by it but the look on mom and KJ's face was priceless.  If I could throw up everyday in a public pool and elicit the same facial expression I think I would.  Just then another mom and little girl walked through the gate.  We're not sure what she saw but all we heard was, "Nah, let's not swim in here, sweety..let's go to the adult pool. (insert glare at mom)"  Sweet, she was gone.  This gave mom ample time to scoop up said chunks in one of my buckets and rid the pool of any evidence.  SCOREBOARD: Grayson's puke - 1, Wyndham baby pool - 0.  We call that undefeated, baby.

(Here's proof despite the above that #3 was still my highlight)

4. I am getting at LEAST 5 molars in all at the same time.  Literally, you can see breakage on at least 5 of my back teeth.  Talk about paradise.  This MAY explain some of #2 above as well.

On that note I'm out. Seriously, pray for me. The good news is that I get a TON of cuddles and mom stays home from work tomorrow. BOOYAH.

G 'Walker' Brock - more pics from Myrtle (and this past Monday) attached.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

My one true love,
I'm am trying to ignore the fact that you clearly have a girlfriend and it is not me. I like to think of L as your "Starter Girl". She's just the opening act.
I, too, share your tooth pain. I'm getting in my first toofers as I type this. Mommy says she can see at least 2 and can feel two more. I figure it is best to just go ahead and get it over with, right?
Oh, and just so you know, please get over this crying thing before we get married. Not real sexy...Yours, Gracie P.