Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Look Out Philly...Here I come!

This weekend we're going to load the family up and take a ride up to West Philadelphia, where mom was born and raised.    Seriously, I'm looking forward to it.  I was actually JUST telling Mr. Bear about it:

I told you in one of my previous posts that Mom and Dad got a family friendly car for Christmas.  This trip would be an ideal trip to take advantage of the space as mom talked some shenanigans of feeding me in the car to get up there quicker on Friday evening.  Well, tonight as I was playing before bed I overheard M & D talking about the schedule for Friday.  All of a sudden Dad pulled out the big guns, "Sweetie, I'm just going to be up front with you..." -- UH - OH...things are NEVER good when dad starts with those words.  So, I stopped playing with my choo-choo for just a minute as I knew this was going to be far more entertaining.  He continued, "I'm going to do the much it's going to cost us in gas using the Honda (small car) and how much it's going to cost us in gas using the Toyota (big car) and I'm going to let YOU decide if you think the difference in price is worth it."  And a HUSSSHHHHHHHH fell over the crowd..c'mon, do it with me -- HUSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  Oh yes, this was getting good.  So typical dad, he does the diaper math, he does the formula math, and now he does the gas math. 

I loved this conversation for a few reasons.  This is so my parents.  Dad worried about money and mom worried about taking the nicer, more comfortable and more spacious car.  Also, Dad presented this somewhat touchy subject in a way that he felt allowed mom to feel like she was the big winner.  After all, it is MOM that is going to decide if the price difference is "worth it."  However, Dad TOTALLY is trying to manipulate the situation by offering mom the final say but thinking that there's NO way she'll be able to justify taking the bigger car once he presents her with the figures because she'll feel too guilty to accept the higher figure just for the sake of her increased comfort.  Unfortunately for Dad though I think Mom will have the last laugh.  What dad seems to be forgetting is the first time (literally..this is no joke) mom got home from her first solo shopping experience post marriage.  From what I have been told, Mom went out on her own one Saturday with wedding gift cards GALORE and began to explore her options.  Pier One was a popular choice in card so she proceeded there first.  Thankfully (for her..not for Dad) she had a little cash on hand as well.  So, she picked up a few items such as candles, some place mats, and a few other decorations for the house and proceeded home as she couldn't wait to show Dad her finds.  Upon arriving home and showing off her items in a 'freshly married, I'm so cute, I'm so sweet, I'm a little decorator' kind of way she then exclaimed, "And'll be so proud of me!  I didn't even spend ANY of the gift cards on these items as I just used my cash instead so I could SAVE the gift cards for later!!!" 


Great-Grandpa..can you BELIEVE THAT??? you think I'm going to grow up to be like her one day?

Wow, you've been trained well...just smile and and nod...

So, I'll keep you all posted as to how this story ends.  Clearly though Mom isn't one to worry about a few dollar bills here or there, especially if she's still got her gift cards she can deposit into the bank.  HAHAHAHAHA.   C'mon..if you're not laughing just visualize mom pulling up to the drive-through window at the bank and sticking the Pier One gift cards that she saved into a deposit envelope for the teller.  AND, if that doesn't get you..imagine the look on Dad's face or even the thoughts that went through his mind when Mr. Gas Math heard the words "spent the cash and saved the gift cards" from his bride whom he just - one measly week beforehand - committed himself to for the REST of his life.  The best part about ALL of this...she's an ACCOUNTANT!!!  Even I don't know how this story ends yet but I'm sure it'll be good so stay tuned!!  Oh and P.S. - Dad, do I have any say in which car we take?? My legs sure do feel more cramped in that Honda!!!!

I leave you with some more pictures of my time in Arkansas -- this here is 4 generations, people and yes, my heart was way more excited about this than my face let on (it was late..cut me some slack). 


the reppard crew said...

1. love it.
2. hate that you are leaving.
3. take the family car . . . everyone loves a sweet ride in the family car! :)

call me later! (LOVE the one of G with his Great Granddaddy. When can you give me a lesson? Seriously.)


Auntie KJ said...

Favorite thing about this post = the Camo hat... Adorable picture!
Second favorite thing = the money debate between 2 accountants from the view of a 10 month old!! :)

You never fail to make me smile! Love you!

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

Oh, how Kyle is SOOO GLAD that he is not married to me. You cannot put a price tag on sanity or comfort...Just sayin'.

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