Sunday, May 3, 2009

So much to write and so little time..

Hey Party Animals,

Gosh--a week has past and I have so much to update you with but I'm nervous I'm not going to have the time to get it all out. In fact, there is one subject in particular that I need to write about and that may be all we have time for today but here we go.

I need your opinion. Okay, here's the deal. As I've gotten older (and by older I mean 7 weeks), more and more people are commenting on how I look like "Kyle." I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that that's my dad. So, as I hear that more often I have been studying him more up close and from afar. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?? As of last Sunday I had made the official conclusion that it is indeed a GOOD THING. I must say (with the manliest tone I can muster up), I think my dad's a stud. He's in shape, great facial features, nice build, big feet ;), big hands, great smile, decent hairline for a guy his age, etc, etc. I've actually been pretty pumped to hear that I'm lookin' more and more like the old man and as of last Sunday would have said I only hope that continues. I mean, who wouldn't want to look like this guy:

Wait...not that guy...crap--THIS GUY..

You'd have to be crazy not to agree with me and I'd have to be crazy not to be happy that I look like him. UNTIL last Monday rolled around. As mentioned in my last post my Grandma is here visiting this week. It has been wonderful and I'll go into that trip a bit more later..for now I have a point to make. So, she came on Monday and at first glance mentioned again right away how much I look as dad looked as a baby. Again, I smiled. Love that man. Then she proceeded to pull out some baby pics of dad and the first one I looked at when he was first born made me realize that YES, I DO look like dad. Again, I smiled. THEN friends...then she pulled out an 8x10 of dad's 2 month photo. My Lord. Yes, Jesus--I'm talking to you -- my Lord. No wonder whe had it in an 8x10 b/c I'm pretty sure dad couldn't fit into a 5x7. I'm now 7 weeks headed into my 8th week and just shy of officially being 2 months old but if I hear even ONCE that I look like my dad when I'm 2 months, someone is going to get hurt. I get it...I get that I am filling out. I get that I'm around 12 pounds and am probably going to hear I'm in the upper percentiles at my 2 month doc visit. Mom isn't shy to eat a french fry or 2...or 14 and I know that's going straight to her hips and straight to my chin(s) but REALLY people- do I really look like my dad when he was 2 months????

Some of you are probably wait, I take that back - ALL of you are probably laughing and I'm sure the women reading this, in between wiping the tears that are rolling down their faces, are going, "Awww, look how cute he is..I just want to SQUEEZE him and SQUEEZE those cheeks" but guess what ladies--I don't want to be squeezed. I want to be able to put my head down so I can see my toes. I want to be able to be picked up still when I'm 2 months. I want to still be able to use my car seat then and not have to be put in a big boy car seat b/c i've surpassed the weight limit of my current one. You only can say that "aww..look how cute.." crap now b/c you've had 25+ years to lose that second and third chin but I haven't had that chance yet and I'll be DARNED if I let it get to that caliber before I do. So, Mom..if you're reading this--I know you've started one nightly bottle of formula in hopes that I'll sleep longer, and YES it worked last night as I slept for 7 hours before you had to wake me, but I want off it and I want off it now - I don't need those extra calories. Also, I want you to stop ALL Carbs and ALL desserts IMMEDIATELY...and yes that includes the fruit snacks. I want us walking more and I don't want to be carried--I want to walk myself. This 12+ pound boy is getting back down to 10 pounds where I should be. AND, for you readers--sure, feel free to think that I look like my dad..but, if you could hold off on telling me that for about 22 or 23 more, my chins, and my self esteem would appreciate that.
I leave you with this - bath last night..pretty sure I'm outgrowing the hammock - and look, I can still touch my chin to my chest - praise the Lord.

I'll be back soon to fill you in on my week with Grandma. In short - it's been great and turns out I love napping in my crib. I hate it when mom and dad are right. - luv, G


Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

Wow. I was not prepared for any of those photos. I think I just peed a little in my pants. (But that is pretty much par for the course around here.) My mom just told me this joke to tell you..."Your Daddy's so fat that he sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out."
Way to go on sleeping in the crib. One step closer to us having a sleepover.
Phillips out,
LL Cool H

Grandma Sands said...

ROTFL ... figure that one out! My gosh Gray what are you trying to do to us....I may never look at Kyle the same way again!!!! I sure hope Grandma Brock prepared her "lil" (oops ... I mean BIG) man Kyle for what was to come AFTER Jen ... (oops I mean Gray) got hold of that picture!


Kyle said...

no comment...

mystere said...'re awesome little dude! I laughed so hard...I almost fell off my chair. Love it! keep up the good work little man, you're gonna have quite the career ahead of you.