Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nap Training and Pictures

Followers (that's YOU!) -

This is going to be quick with mostly pictures because Grandma Brock comes tomorrow and I've never met her before so I'm getting an extra good night sleep tonight so I can look my best come the morning (oh man, if mom and dad heard me say that.."extra good night sleep" they'd probably laugh hysterically). Not too much new going on around here except mom and dad have been trying to get me to take some more solid naps in my crib rather than on top of people. I really am not sure why they are doing this though b/c the truth is, I RARELY sleep on people and when I do, I don't sleep very soundly:

Crap - you weren't supposed to see those. But wait, it's not what it looks like. I was in fact just being my typical life of the party and telling Johnny Minor a joke. It went like this--

me: Knock, Knock, Johnny

Johnny: Who's there

me: Sleeping baby

Johnny: Sleeping baby who?

me: (see picture)

Johnny: hahahahaha (see picture)

That joke works every time b/c I can do the BEST sleeping baby impression.

But, seriously--before I go let me just vent for one more second on this nap thing in the crib. Listen. When people go to prison, one of the ways they are punished is that they have to spend the majority of the hours in a 24 hour period in their cell behind bars. Secluded from the world. No Oprah, no Ellen, no boppy, no NOTHIN'. Well, I don't believe I've committed any crimes to warrant any time in prison but yet I'm already spending at LEAST half of my day behind some sort of bars and so to force me in there for any additional hours during a day would just feel like prison. Quite frankly, I don't believe I have done anything to deserve any punishment yet. So, since mom and dad make me go in there for all the night time hours, I believe that I deserve to be treated a bit more respectfully in the day and if that means sleeping on mom's shoulder while she watches Ellen and Oprah, then so be it. If someone picked you up off the couch in the middle of either one of those shows while you were peacefully resting..I bet you'd cry too. So, don't go labeling me a "baby" just because I shed a few tears when you try to throw me in prison during every commercial break. Whew, glad I got that off my chest. Here are some pictures from this past week and I hope to be back at some point during Grandma Brock's visit so stay tuned!

This was just this morning before Church (Mom wasn't dressed just yet) - check out my cheeks! Also, notice how dad and I are dressed alike---I picked out my shirt first.

The others are of me just being cute and then one of my outfit I wore to Dad's first softball game of the season. This last one was taken just yesterday at a little cookout we had to celebrate my nanny's (Aunt Christina) birthday!! There were actually more people there but we waited till the very end to think about taking a picture. Oh and just to be clear..I thought I heard someone say, "do your best sleeping baby impersonation" before they took the shot. Turns out they just said, "say cheese" but it was so loud outside with the birds chirping and stuff...honest mistake.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

True or False

Alright folks. I've been hearing a little chitter chatter out there..some rumblings if you will about me that I don't think are all entirely true. I wanted to take a minute to just clear up some misconceptions OR confirm the truth of some statements that I've read in the tabloids as mom checks out of the local CVS. we go:

1) Rumor: I don't write my own blogs but mom writes them for me. FALSE. I have no words for this shenanigans and so instead of just telling you how RIDICULOUS that is that I wouldn't write my own material and am not capable of typing--I did some self timer shots. Oh and word out of you about my 'Plumber's booty' in the third picture and I'll hunt you down. So I wear my diapers low...that's how the kids do it these days...don't be a hater.

2) Rumor: I write my posts with clothes on. FALSE. See above. That diaper usually isn't even on when I'm typing but mom wouldn't let me put my birthday suit on the Internet.

3) Rumor: I am already starring in my first sitcom -- Nip n' Tuck. TRUE and FALSE. I don't THINK I'm going to be on TV but last Wednesday I had the worst thing done to me imaginable. I'm not going to go into it b/c just typing about it brings back the nightmares and I don't really know how to spell the full name of the procedure that they called it, but let's just say it involved a little Nip n' Tuck..well, actually it involved a LOTTA Nip n' Tuck (HOLLA!) and yea--worst day of my life (and of mom and dad's life). I didn't hear mom's voice at all while I was being worked on as apparently she left the room crying (like she had anything to be crying about!) so I know she's innocent but I did hear dad's voice and one other man's voice. If I EVER find out it was dad who did this to me..oh man, him and I are going to need another heart to heart.

4) Rumor: I have no friends. FALSE - whoever is spreading this rumor is just rude. In order to combat the ugly rumor mill I got together with two of my best buddies, Will and Hudson (twins) and had the razzi (what we call the paparazzi) take some shots of us. Will is on the left and Hudson on the right and I'm like the hot dog, right in the middle.

5) Rumor: I've been a little more grumpy lately. FALSE. Listen..I know who is spreading this and it's my parents. I've heard the term "Grump-a-pottomis" thrown around a few times in the house. I would like you to re-read #3 above and tell me if you wouldn't be just the TINIEST bit frustrated if you had to go through that at 5 weeks. Most of my buddies had it done in the hospital when they had no clue what was going on and didn't have the time to know their body enough to even realize what was missing. Of all people my dad should understand this. My mom I can sort of justify--she doesn't get it..but SERIOUSLY, Dad?? I don't call my mood grumpy though and to prove that I show you this picture taken recently.

Alright..glad I cleared those up. I leave you now with just a few more shots from this past week. Much love to my crew.

Monday, April 13, 2009

1 month and counting...

My peoples, my peoples, my peoples. I owe you an apology. I almost feel a little bit embarrassed. A few weeks back I think I actually announced it was my birthday---my two week birthday (see below if you don't remember) and I really expected people to sing to me, some extra cuddles from Daisy, a sip of coke from Dad to get this milk taste out of my mouth, and I asked Mom for one more feeding than usual that day. (I considered that extra feeding the equivalent of cake and who doesn't get cake on their birthday?!?!) Well, I realize now how immature I was being to really force a two week birthday on everybody. Now that I'm officially 1 MONTH old, I see the light and realize what I was doing two weeks ago is the equivalent of someone like you asking me to buy you a gift for your 1/2 birthday (6 months from your real birthday) and let's face it, you're gonna be lucky to get a gift from me on your actual birthday as I rely on Mom to let me know when it's some one's birthday and Dad tells me she's the WORST when it comes to birthday remembering. So, now that I'm one month old and it's legit...seriously, legit--feel free to call and sing to me, Dad--I expect a sip of that coke tonight when you get home, Mom -- feedings today are requested at every 2 1/2 hours rather than the typical 3 hours, and Daisy, I'm getting you into my crib at next nap time. HOLLA!

So, let's talk about some ups and downs of the last month. First off...John left. Ugh--no wonder it was John-Dis...I didn't used to understand the "Dis" part but apparently I've been DISSED! Maybe he left to go pay a visit to a buddy of mine that is about to make his appearance by Friday..little baby Spencer..may John be with you when you arrive :)! Pale Ale is what I'm called least that's what I hear a lot around the house and I assume Mom and Dad are talking about me. In my opinion, Pale Gray would be more appropriate but whatever--I can only fight so many battles with them. It's fine really, I just have to watch my colors until I get some more time in the sun and all this rain is NOT helping my cause. Oh and...sigh...sigh again...I think I'm losing my hair. Well, I take it back as I'm not losing ALL my hair. Mom says I'm getting the old man look as I just seem to be losing my hair in the front. I still got a full head for the ladies around the back. Mom constantly tells me I look like Opa. Opa is no longer with us but would have been one of my great grandfathers on Mom's Pop Pop's Dad. In fact, mom says the picture above in the sun glasses and my picture here of me in my Easter Outfit is like a spitting image of Opa. I typically would take offense to that since in all the photos I've seen of Opa, he's like 75 years old--but, honestly, dude was a stud at 75 so I'm just honored. If Mom would just buy me some plaid pants, the look would be complete. Oh and speaking of Easter outfits..a shout out to someone who I consider like an older brother -- Henry Phillips helped his mom make this onesie for me and even though it's not buttoned b/c I'm a little chunker, I still sported this thing to Church and looked no less than AMAZING (notice the frog shoes..didn't think the lions were appropriate for Easter).

Alright, so what else? I have what the doctors call a mild case of the baby acne. Seriously, folks...I kinda think 1 month for babies is like puberty for teens? Hair changes, skin changes, pimples, bodies start to fill out and maybe even have those awkward chunky years where your chin/neck can't figure out if they are one in the same or two separate body parts. I think that's me right now. It's fine though because I'm also developing my love for sports as seen in these two photos. First, my new favorite passie and secondly, couldn't take my eyes off of that Masters tournament between feedings. I really thought Tiger was gonna birdie every hole on Sunday and come back to win it...I would have done that if I was him but that's fine. I won't judge him and I don't dare let anybody judge me. Oh, and notice the full head of hair in the back...I'm not a liar.

The other day I got my first experience of being TOTALLY and UTTERLY wrapped in literally about 1/2 roll of paper towels and I was fully dressed as poo poo's were EVERYWHERE. It was awesome. I totally faked mom out too. She knew I had done the dirty and so, like every 1st time mom would do she immediately picked me up and checked down my pants to see if it went up my back. Nope, I didn't aim this one up the back but forced it out the side and so out the side it came. Pouring like a cup o' soup all over me, the kitchen counter, mom, the floor, etc. it was AWESOME. As a and dad are back to buying Pampers---see what happens when you go cheap on me, folks...I get payback. I hope the two outfits, one bath mat, 1/2 roll of paper towels, and a kitchen counter that will forever be marked by me was worth that $.04 cents per diaper you were saving. BOOYAH...back to the good diapers that feel like a baby's behind on my behind. Wait a minute..maybe I'm just feeling my own behind---anyway, I like the characters more on the Pampers and am glad they learned their lesson. I did hear them talk of Costco diapers the other day though--Oh man, I hope they buy those in bulk before I fill them in on why they don't fit me right..that would be AWESOME.

Alright, well I should get going but I'll leave you with some shots mom took of my 1 month photo shoot. Note I'm in the same outfit I was in at the hospital when I had my first photo shoot so mom could do a comparison. This may be my last day in this outfit though b/c everything feels just a bit snug but I still worked it as best I could. It'll be ugly though if she tries to squeeze me in this thing at 2 months. Love you all...Enjoy!

Monday, April 6, 2009

True to my word...

Jenny here. True to my word to my husband this morning, Gray dressed to impress today and showed his FULL support for his favorite baseball team, which just HAPPENS to be his dad's favorite team as well. First game of the season is tonight and as such, the Brocks are ready to cheer them on. As well, for those teachers out there reading this blog, just because it's convenient, Gray is learning the letter 'A' today--he should have it mastered by the time daddy gets home. We miss you, Dad--come home soon!!!

Two quick things to note: I added one pic of Gray in a new sweater that was purchased by his Grammy Curry - we were thankful it got cool the other day so he could sport it when his girlfriend, Landon, came to visit. Also, third picture down...doesn't our boy look like the Pope (if the Pope were to wear A's gear :)).

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

But we've been busy visiting with some family!! My Grammy Curry and my Great Aunt Lynne (she's my mom's namesake 'Jennifer Lynne Brock') came to visit from Wednesday until this morning and pretty much I wish that would happen every week. Let's see...first off, if/when I was awake they were with of them (unless it was the middle of the night as I think they felt uncomfortable busting into mom and dad's room to come rock me back to sleep...not sure why). One night they even had me all to themselves and mom and dad went on their first date since my arrival - I'm pretty sure they talked about me the entire time. Also, on that date I think mom and dad got ice cream b/c I sensed some extra dairy in the milk that night...yup, mom paid for it, don't you worry. Anyway...they loved me so well and loved Daisy so well and loved mom and dad SO well -- Whenever I woke up they were doing one of the following: cooking, cleaning, curtain making, pedicure giving, grocery shopping, babysitting, laundry, baseboard washing, and as I said before, LOTS of me holding. I also got a few new blankets during this visit, which both can be seen below. The white one that has cross-stitch on it was made by Grammy Curry and is UNBELIEVABLY cool. Who doesn't love Eeyore?! She put so many hours into it...more hours I think than I've even been alive, and that's saying A LOT. Also, I got a new blanket from my Great Aunt Suzie that is laying on top of me..that was was homemade as well and is so soft and such a perfect has become my new nap blanket. Okay, I gotta go eat so for the sake of the post I'm just gonna add pictures b/c let's face it---all you want are the pictures, here you go!
This is my morning chair where I like to spend my alone time after breakfast.

Grammy Curry and me...(yes, this is me smiling)..also, I'm in my baseball outfit in honor of Dad's first softball games that night.

Dreaming of football season..TOUCHDOWN!!!

My great Aunt Lynne...I could sleep on her for HOURS

Just me having some awake time and enjoying being 3 weeks old :)