Crap - you weren't supposed to see those. But wait, it's not what it looks like. I was in fact just being my typical life of the party and telling Johnny Minor a joke. It went like this--
me: Knock, Knock, Johnny
Johnny: Who's there
me: Sleeping baby
Johnny: Sleeping baby who?
me: (see picture)
That joke works every time b/c I can do the BEST sleeping baby impression.
But, seriously--before I go let me just vent for one more second on this nap thing in the crib. Listen. When people go to prison, one of the ways they are punished is that they have to spend the majority of the hours in a 24 hour period in their cell behind bars. Secluded from the world. No Oprah, no Ellen, no boppy, no NOTHIN'. Well, I don't believe I've committed any crimes to warrant any time in prison but yet I'm already spending at LEAST half of my day behind some sort of bars and so to force me in there for any additional hours during a day would just feel like prison. Quite frankly, I don't believe I have done anything to deserve any punishment yet. So, since mom and dad make me go in there for all the night time hours, I believe that I deserve to be treated a bit more respectfully in the day and if that means sleeping on mom's shoulder while she watches Ellen and Oprah, then so be it. If someone picked you up off the couch in the middle of either one of those shows while you were peacefully resting..I bet you'd cry too. So, don't go labeling me a "baby" just because I shed a few tears when you try to throw me in prison during every commercial break. Whew, glad I got that off my chest. Here are some pictures from this past week and I hope to be back at some point during Grandma Brock's visit so stay tuned!
This was just this morning before Church (Mom wasn't dressed just yet) - check out my cheeks! Also, notice how dad and I are dressed alike---I picked out my shirt first.
The others are of me just being cute and then one of my outfit I wore to Dad's first softball game of the season. This last one was taken just yesterday at a little cookout we had to celebrate my nanny's (Aunt Christina) birthday!! There were actually more people there but we waited till the very end to think about taking a picture. Oh and just to be clear..I thought I heard someone say, "do your best sleeping baby impersonation" before they took the shot. Turns out they just said, "say cheese" but it was so loud outside with the birds chirping and stuff...honest mistake.