Friday, February 27, 2009

Back at it... feels just like it was yesterday the last time we posted. However, looking at the date on the most recent post, I would have a difficult time defending that it really was JUST YESTERDAY to anyone that disagreed. However, why focus on the past when there is so much to look towards in the future, eh?

We have decided to revamp the blog to prepare for the arrival the newest Brock member. With all of our family being at a distance, I have a feeling this blog is going to become VERY important to update with pictures, "firsts", more pictures, general updates, prayer requests, cries for help, and well...maybe a video or two. Also, we won't forget about our first child and will be sure to show her some love within the posts as well :)

So, Kyle and I found out in mid July that we were expecting. Not a shock, but not NOT a shock if you're pickin up what I'm putting down. When asked the other day by a friend how the pregnancy has been, Kyle replied that the pregnancy has been a piece of cake :). That could be for a few reasons. 1) I have eaten a LOT of cake since mid July 2) I don't think Kyle has felt nauseous once since we found out 3) I asked the other day and sure enough for him, no loss of energy, no loss of sleep, no additional naps needed (in fact he ran a marathon in October!) and 4) he can still manage to put on socks with little to no effort. All kidding aside, I truly can't complain about the pregnancy either, and Kyle has been a superstar tending to each dramatic moan I have made.

The typical first trimester with no vomiting, just nausea and feeling like I was run over by a train (I will say though when I was in it, I swore to Kyle on multiple, multiple occasions this would be our first and last biological child), and then a relatively uneventful second trimester leading into where we're at now - just under 2 weeks from the official due date and although as some stranger politely (ahem) pointed out to me in the elevator this past Friday, "it looks like you're trying to sneak a basketball into the office" (Thank you, Ma'am for noticing I love sports), followed by the sweet old lady behind the deli in Food Lion (mind you I'm wearing a winter coat), "Oh sweetie, you look like you're going to pop any minute now, are you sure you should be out and about?" (I mean, REALLY people..under a winter coat and they are still saying that??) I sleep relatively well, still manage to go for walks when the weather is nice, average just 1 bathroom break at night, very minimal swelling, and do not feel too restricted in my activities. Although, don't get me wrong..I can pull the "But I'm pregnant and carrying your child" card like it's no body's business :).

Sooo, now we wait. Kyle had politely asked Grayson to hold off at least through this past week and as we can see, he is a well behaved child. I feel at a wonderful stopping point with work and so am at a place that I would welcome his arrival if he was ready but will also soak up the quiet dinners, full nights of sleep, hormones at a relatively stable level, time with just Kyle, no healing, no ice packs, not getting pee'd and poo'd on, no crying, and all the other changes that I will soon think to myself, "why did I take that time for granted???" Yet, we are so very excited to meet this boy, to put a face to the kicks, to love him, to hold him, to change him, and to dress him (more so me that's excited for this than Kyle).

It's going to be a journey..that's for sure. Kyle and I are so thankful to be learning about parenting together, as a team. Just in the last few weeks we started this crazy phenomenon of actually thinking about dinners for the week BEFORE the week got here and planning out our grocery lists so that I don't come home with our 5th bottle of syrup, 9th ketchup, 8th box of pasta, and freezer bags just because I figured, "why not" all while managing to spend around $200 on those unneeded items and still struggling to figure out if any of them can even remotely be put together to form a meal. (Typically unless pop tarts with a side of ketchup and bag of frozen strawberries was considered a meal..the answer was NO). I feel so grown up.

So, we will keep you posted. We ask you to pray for a safe and healthy arrival of this boy for both me and for him. Pray for Kyle as "co-pusher" (and yes, he has already requested a co-pusher present). Hopefully we'll be posting pictures soon of our little Brockstar.

On another note..we just got covered in a pretty sweet snowstorm as you can see from the pictures! YEA for no work today but I'm asking now for prayers that this boy does NOT decide to show his face today..I'm not all about an ambulance ride and all that attention...and from the looks of it outside, doesn't appear to be a plowed road in site. Awesome.


Sandy said...

Thanks for the update. You know, in your next career/life, you should think about becoming a writer of novels!!! The baby's room looks great; looks like you put lots of love into it! I have to admit, I am still a bit sore over the "delivery room thang", but am getting over it slowly (ha ha)! Baby Grayson is so blessed to have such "awesome" parents (oh and grandparents too of course)! We here on 402 Ott love you guys so much (me more so than the rest...but don't tell them I said so)! Can't wait for the BIG phone is by my side at all times waiting for the call!


the reppard crew said...

YAY for the reappearance of the Brock Blog! I love it! The nursery is SUPER cute . . . I can't wait to see it in person, too! And, I'm glad to see your bags are packed and ready. :) Does Kyle have his snacks ready to enjoy and squirrel away while you are forbidden to touch any foods or beverages?

Love y'all and Will and Hud can't wait to meet Gray!

Unknown said...

Love these updates... You look great, Kyle's a superstar, Dais-o's a fashion plate as always, and Grayson's room looks fantastic, the only thing I didn't see in it was a picture of Auntie KJ! I assume that's the next big thing on the "To-Do Before Baby" list though so I'm not too worried. I'm glad to know that everything is all packed up and ready to go for the big day.. and that there won't any be screaming at Kyle to make sure he doesn't forget anything! ;) HA!
I'm super excited to come see EVERYONE next weekend, so relay that message to your belly, please!!
As far as the Love goes... I'm sure you know the real deal there. I don't feel the need boast and tell secrets that aren't true! ::cough::Sands::cough

Novel ended-- I'll see you next weekend. Mad Love!