Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Family, Flyers, and Friends

Hey sports fans - we got a lot going on in the Brock household these days and so I guess the only real way to handle all that is to just let it loose -

1. Did mom tell YOU she was going back to work full-time in February?  I sure didn't receive that memo until the first Tuesday of February when I woke up with my usual UNBELIEVABLY filled dirty diaper that I like to greet her with (you know, the ones where she even has to put me in new Pj's b/c the diaper can't contain all the goodness I have to offer it) and all of a sudden it was GRANDMA that had to deal with that mess.  I was so embarrassed - if I had only known I wouldn't have made it such a bad one. (confession: that is a lie..I would have still made it just as bad b/c I continued that behavior for the rest of the week..even after I picked up on the fact that Mom wouldn't be home to deal with it.  sorry Grandma).  BUT, I had TWO weeks with Grandma and it was incredible to say the least.

2. Do y'all know what "S-N-O-W" is?  I think that's how they spell it...everytime I try to say something new it just comes out "ddaazzzzz-ie or da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da" but we got a TON of this snow junk.  Here are the things I know about it.  It's cold.  It's wet.  It's white.  When it comes, mom and dad stay home and dad builds me friends to play with.  Those friends are great b/c I can pull their arms out and their eyes out and I don't get in trouble AND it apparently doesn't hurt them.  The ONLY problem with them is that mom and dad won't let my friends come inside and it's really too cold outside to play with them for very long.  I begged and begged to let my new friend sleepover but again, I was told if I wanted to have a sleepover with my friend I would have to sleep outside.  Are the rules this strict at your house???

3. I got a radio flyer from my Grandma for my birthday (which is coming up on 3/ might want to jot that down).  It's no joke, either - just straight up the REAL deal.  There are no other words needed for this so I just told Grandma to take a pic.  I've only done inside laps so far and I'm pretty sure when I get this puppy outside it's going to rock my world.  OH and what you can't see is the umbrella that came with it - you know, to protect my fair and innocent skin.

4. Two other things - I'm pretty much literate now and what you can't tell from this picture is that I'm actually reading this book to mom.  I wanted her to sit on my lap but as soon as we tried she couldn't hear me anymore.  She sometimes struggles with the big words but I just sound them out slowly.."D-d-z-z-z-z-z-z-i-e and da-da-da-da-da-da-da" sometimes I even clap as I sound out the syllables and that helps her, ", two, three" and ", two, three, four, five" - I think eventually she'll pick up on it but I'm trying to be patient with her.  4a. You may remember "I've been everywhere, man" and if not, you need to get more serious about following my blog.  But, that video was just the beginning.  Now not only am a I crawler like no other but I want to pull up all the time and even like to take some steps if you're holding my hands.  It's not that I can't support my weight if you let go (I know you think I'm heavy-set but I can do it if I wanted) - it's more just that I REALLY like dancing (again, see Dinner with MJ below) and so when you hold my hands I feel like we're dancing..slow dancing ;).

5. Right now my Gammy and Great Aunt Lynne are here caring for me, mom and dad, and helping mom and dad make a headboard for their bed.  I will post more on that later but in short, it's been glorious.  And that about wraps up this blog post.  Let's give me a round of applause.


Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

FINALLY!! Gman, the Phillips kids love you. Gracie has been chunking up in hopes to be loved by you.

the reppard crew said...

LOVE that last picture of y'all. you should blow that one up, fo' sho'.